Add-Venture in Learning


A very warm welcome to Add-Venture in Learning’s revamped website. We hope you will enjoy exploring this website and that you might even decide to join us on one of our Study Breaks

People looking and identifying plants on the Yorkshire Moors, August 2019.

About Add-Venture in Learning

Add-Venture in Learning provides residential study breaks giving access to life-long learning for visually impaired people. We are run by a Committee of volunteers

We are self-sustaining through Study breaks revenues, Gift Aid contributions and personal donations

Our study breaks take place roughly three times a year and each study break lasts for approximately five days. These study breaks run throughout the UK.

Ann Jenner Project Officer (Ceramics) and Paul Cripwell (student) examining a Nottingham Night jug August 2021

To contact us:

Please phone either Janet Whapples (chair) on 07746 712705, or Barbara Rickitt (secretary) on 01460 281226


use the contact form below to make enquiries.

    ® Charity No. 1124953

    Add-Venture in Learning Privacy Policy

    The Committee of Add-Venture in Learning would like to take this opportunity to thank Bob Bristow, our web master for helping to make this new website a reality!!!